The Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies (OCHS) is an academy for the study of Hindu cultures, societies, philosophies, religions, and languages, in all periods and in all parts of the world. While working with us, they were able to increase their paid traffic revenue by 298% whilst decreasing their cost per conversion by 77%

Project highlights

Return on ad spend

The Brief

OCHS approached us with the challenge of increasing their online revenue and increasing the number of people booking on to their online courses. Their aim was to introduce new courses to grow their business, however, needed to increase the revenue and attendees first.

They had previously run Google Ads before, however, hadn’t set the account up properly or spent much time optimising campaigns or testing new strategies. From an initial look, a full account review was needed to bring the account inline with Google’s best practises.

The Challenge

The Google Ads account needed restructuring to ensure keyword duplicates were removed, wasted ad spend diminished and best practises adhered too. Keywords were set to broad which was making the ads show up to irrelevant search terms and driving poor quality traffic. The ad copy was not following Google’s best practises, the existing ads had 2 headlines, 1 description and no responsive ads. By updating the ad copy we saw a 26% increase in the click through rate and a 22% drop in the cost per click, this helped improve the quality of traffic too. which helped increase the conversion rate by 191%.

The account had multiple irrelevant conversions setup which the campaigns were set to optimise for. The main goal was to improve the revenue and transactions so we streamlined these and removed the conversions such as ‘product page view’.

There were display ads set up, however, they were no longer serving and showing an error message. We discovered the targeting settings were too restrictive so we needed to find the balance of being targeted but not restricting ads from showing. By improving the targeting we increased the click through rate by 5,963% year on year

The results

Since restructuring the Google Ad account we have increased the revenue by 298% and number of transactions by 361% whilst keeping the ad spend the same.

By improving the quality of traffic we saw the cost per conversion decrease by 77% and the return on ad spend increase from 187% to 709%.

Due to the positive results, the client is now looking to expand their paid presence across multiple more channels.

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